Assault (and domestic violence)

Assault is the offence for which we are most commonly instructed as solicitors. We have represented clients facing very minor charges of common assault to very serious offences of Grievous Bodily Harm and multiple murder. We have been able to obtain good results by reaching plea agreements with prosecutors when appropriate. Where a plea bargain is not appropriate we will take matters to trial. In all cases, a thorough investigation is required, and if the use of forensic experts is needed then one will be instructed.

I’d ask that you take a look at the list below of the areas where we can help:

    • Murder
    • Manslaughter
    • Attempted Murder
    • Common assault
    • Assault occasioning actual bodily harm
    • Assault occasioning grievous bodily harm
    • Kidnapping

In homicide and other violent crime cases there are a number of legal defences and other critical issues that tend to arise with regularity. Our lawyers have been involved with murder, attempted murder and assault cases for two decades and have dealt with it all during this time.

Our Experience

This includes:

  • Experience in asserting the so-called “insanity” defence
  • Experience in asserting self-defence
  • Experience challenging the testimony of forensic experts used by the State, including medical examiners, ballistics and fingerprint examiners, toxicologists, chemists etc.
  • Experience in assessing the critical role of forensic evidence, and in particular DNA evidence

Recent cases include:

  • R v Davies: Andrew represented Mr Davies who was accused of attempted murder by triple stabbing of pimp. Having achieved bail the case was dismissed on day one of the trial as the pimp had absconded to Cornwall.
  • R v Williams: allegation of Section 18 Grievous Bodily Harm. Michael represented the defendant at an emotive jury trial, where a probation officer testified that the client had committed the alleged offence. Client acquitted of GBH.
  • R v Bird: allegation assault ABH. Michael represented the defendant at Reading Crown court. It was alleged that Mr Bird had bitten a chunk out of the complainant’s cheek. Client raised self defence and was acquitted.
  • R v Burn: Michael was the instructing solicitor for Amanda Burn who was accused of kidnapping her partner. She was acquitted after trial of all charges. Read media coverage…
  • R v Duraku: Andrew acted for Edmond Duraku, accused but acquitted of a serious assault. Read media coverage…
  • R v Robinson: Andrew acted for Dean Robinson, the only one acquitted in a murder + attempted murder 6 week trial. Read media coverage…